Perhaps your
Christian background was similar to mine. We were taught how wrong it was to be
presumptuous. So we waited for
permission to serve, to go, to do. Then we waited to be told how it should be done. Then of course we
waited for ‘God’s timing’, and spent a lot of time getting trained. Finally we
waited for God to put cold, hard cash in our hands to do whatever it was, all
the while hoping we weren’t blowing our own trumpet when we shared our dreams.
I worried that I was presumptious in thinking I could write. I worried that I was too old to make a
go of it without long years of writing experience behind me. I hoped God would
just zap me and I’d find myself writing in a cloud of effortless glory.
A couple of inspirational quotes had
a strong impact on me. They are not Bible texts but both reflect biblical
principle. The first one is from Andre Gide, the French novelist from the 19th
century. I’ve never read his work and this quote is all I know of him, but it
speaks to me. He said, “We do not
discover new lands unless we’re willing to push the boat out from the shore.” Pause
and meditate.
The other one is from that wonderful
teacher and father in the faith, Bill Johnson. He says, “God loves risk-takers.
It shows you’re willing to trust Him.” Not everyone is called to the foreign
mission field; not everyone is called to write a book. But everyone is called
to act on what you have a passion for – because that passion was planted in you
before you were formed in your mother’s womb. It’s a passion God wants you to
run with to extend His Kingdom on earth and promote His glory.
In putting that passion to work for
God and His kingdom, a strange thing happens. We die to self. This happens
because it’s impossible to fulfil the drive of that inbuilt passion unless we
put God’s kingdom and His righteousness first. When we acknowledge the drive in
us, and accept we won’t fulfil it in our own strength, it becomes something
effective and powerful. What’s important
is not what form the passion takes, but whether it’s harnessed to the kingdom
and His righteousness! Baking cakes, knitting or driving a bus are just as
likely to glorify God and serve His purpose as being a doctor or designing a
church. We can make a business, a ministry, from anything and carry the love of God to the world.
A final quote, this time from a
fellow member at Christian Writers Downunder, Maree Cutler-Naroba.* “Put the prophetic trumpet to your lips and
blow it loud – take those ideas nestled in your heart and give it a go.”
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