In a study about managing
depression, it was discovered that ‘passage lines’ in the brain connect positive
words and actions with serotonin, the ‘happiness’ trigger. This explains why
passionate praise, combined with exuberant movement such as dancing, actually
triggers enjoyment of God.
Psalm 100 tells us how to enter into His
presence and it begins and ends with a lot of loud shouting. Silence doesn’t
get a mention. After the loud shouting
there’s singing with boisterous joy, followed by hearty thanksgiving and more
loud praise. There are two reasons why we know it’s loud: firstly, the Hebrew
tells us the singing was to be by massed choirs and secondly, the word for
praise, in this instance, is tehillah,
meaning ‘a praise shout’. This shout of praise expresses the life and soul of
the worshipper – something akin to the fans welcoming the team hero as he runs
onto the field. When did you last hear a sports hero welcomed with whispered
The Book of Revelations (chapters
4-7) tells me it’s pretty noisy in Heaven. It is full of loud singing, not to
mention ‘noises, thunderings and lightnings’.
So when we pray for it to ‘be on Earth even as it is in Heaven’ are we
prepared to accept what’s coming? Or don’t we really believe God will answer
that prayer? Either way it’s foolish to expect God will answer according to our
puny standards. Is it possible we have believed the religious lie that
approaching God is best done in silence with folded hands and bowed head? I’m
not saying there isn’t a place for silence once we have entered His courts - we
certainly need intimate times of quietness so as to hear Him speaking into our
hearts – but the thing to notice about Psalm 100 is that ‘come’ is a command,
not a suggestion. If we are to enter His presence we need to do it the way He instructs us.
The scriptures tell us that King
David, the greatest worshipper of all, was totally outrageous in his worship of
his Creator. So many of the Psalms tell us that not only was he a praise
shouter (e.g. Psalm 27:6) but he was also prone to praise dance, in the
equivalent of his undies, and in
public! God, Himself, shouts (e.g.
Isaiah 42:13). He even shouts (shabak) over, and through, His people with great joy (Zephaniah 3:17).
Oh yes, I’m sure God loves big, loud sound!
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