“What? You swallowed a dictionary
or something?” I don’t know how many times I was asked that question when I was
at school. Somewhat in the manner of young
Joseph flashing his many-coloured coat I was probably unwise to use my
precocious vocabulary in front of my classmates. Like Joseph’s brothers, it really
got up their noses. Sure, the question was rhetorical and said with an
accompanying laugh, but it often sounded like a put down.
So for many years I deliberately
dumbed down and used words of one syllable wherever possible. With changes in
life experience I met people with unselfconscious, unstunted vocabularies. On hearing a new word I either ask the meaning or make a note in
the ubiquitous jotter that travels in my handbag and consult the dictionary later. With the confidence that comes with age I'm less concerned with what people think and now I, too, use the words
that live in my head. But wouldn’t you
know it, I still get that old put down from many adults. To compensate for ignorance they invariably decide attack is the
best form of defence, conscript support from bystanders and come in with all
guns blazing; “Ho ho, you swallowed a dictionary?”
These days I just have a good laugh
with them, and silently marvel. Some
people will never know how sweet a dictionary tastes!
Keep on tasting that dictionary! One of the joys of Facebook Scrabble for me is the fund of new words it has opened up as I try out the letter combinations I face on my board. If only I could remember all these great new words later on!